WHEN: Thursday, November 24, 2022 8:00 am - 10:00 am EST
WHERE: Highlands Hammock State Park5931 Hammock Road
Sebring FL 33872
Picnic Area - Music in the Park Circle.
Race entry fee through Nov. 15 is $25 and includes shirt; fee is $15 for no-shirt option.Race entry fee increases to $30 online or mailed entries postmarked after Nov. 15 and for race day entries.
Calling all runners for the 30th Annual Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk, a Highlands Hammock Thanksgiving tradition!This event is open to all runners from 8 years and younger to age 75 and older. Trophies go to age group winners. A large field of runners numbering 600 plus is expected. Register early online to ensure receiving a unique shirt. Race entry forms are available at the ranger station and the Hammock Inn Camp Store.Campers, area residents and park visitors enjoy the fun, camaraderie, spirited competition and a chance to earn that extra piece of pie at the holiday feast!
CONTACT: Carla.Kappmeyer-Sherwin@FloridaDEP.gov
Original source can be found here.